Low clarinets (alto, bass, contrabass) going to Area January 11, 2025, please note a clarification on Page 5, #7: Start at the beginning and play to the D.C. but do not take the D.C.
Area A – Area North
Area B – Area West
Area C – Area East
Area D – Area Central
Area E – Area South
Area Fee Invoice (Send Area Fees to Area, not the State Office!)
ATSSB 5-Area Alignment 2024-26 (22 Regions)
ATSSB Regions: 1, 2/31*, 3/20, 4, 5/30, 6, 7, 8, 9/33, 10/19, 11, 12, 13/17, 14, 15/28, 16, 18/26, 21, 22, 23/27, 24/25, 29/32.
*Combined regions will be referred to by the lowest number:
- 2/31 will be referred to as Region 2;
- 3/20 will be referred to as Region 3;
- 5/30 shall be referred to as Region 5;
- 9/33 will be referred to as Region 9;
- 10/19 will be referred to as Region 10;
- 13/17 will be referred to as Region 13;
- 15/28 will be referred to as Region 15;
- 23/27 will be referred to as Region 23;
- 24/25 will be referred to as Region 24;
- 29/32 will be referred to as Region 29.
In cooperation with the University Interscholastic League, some school districts may be transferred to ATSSB Regions outside of their home counties.
West (1,6,16,22), North (2,3,7,24), East (4,9,10,21), Central (5,8,18,23,29), South (11,12,13,14,15).
The Area fee is $25 and should be paid with one check from each region, made out to ATSSB. You may use the following Area Fee Invoice if you need it to procure a check from your school: 2025 Area Fee Invoice. Make checks out to “ATSSB”.
You will not need to send any forms with you to Area. If you have students make All-State, you will receive an email with a link from which you will download a Medical Release and Code of Conduct forms that must be brought to San Antonio February 12 signed and notarized.