

Central North South East West

Coordinator is Joe Hewitt; Audition site is Henderson MS –
903-565-9705 (cell)

Including Regions 4, 9, 10, 21

Area Auditions will be held on Saturday, January 11, 2024 at Henderson Middle School. Updated links with judging assignments will be published by Jan. 6th.
All schools/directors with qualifying students are required to be available for judging/monitoring.

Judges meeting begins at 9:15am in the MS Library at Henderson MS.
Auditions will begin at 10:00am

Students may go to their holding room and begin warm up!

Make sure and check the ATSSB web page for all instructions on Auditions.

VERY IMPORTANT – Please check the judging list and let me know if you cannot fill your spot

Judging List 2024

From the State Office on one breath warmups

Due to discrepancies abounding across the state, please tell your judges to allow the following:

Students will be allowed THREE one-breath warmups (playing whatever they wish to play so long as it is done in one breath.)

Note that it says they are “allowed” – they do not HAVE to play a warmup at any time

  1. prior to the playing of scales
  2. prior to playing the slow etude
  3. prior to playing the fast etude