

Central North South East West

Coordinator is Steven Rash; Audition site is Calallen High School.

Including Regions 11, 12, 13, 17, 14, 15/28


Congratulations for having students involved in the Area/All-State certification level of the audition process. This is indicative of a lot of hard work on both the part of the student and the director(s). We are looking forward to hosting you at Calallen HS for the auditions.

I hope I cover all of the materials you will need to know in this document. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Location & Date

The auditions are at Callen High School on January 10, 2026.

Job Assignments

The judging assignments will be made from the form 9’s sent in by your region coordinator. They will be sent to you via email from your region coordinator as soon as I have received all form 9’s from all regions.

Remember, we will have holding rooms for all students auditioning, so make sure and review those guidelines with your students. As usual, there will be some judging areas with too many and in other areas not enough. This will necessitate moving some of you to different judging areas and allow for us to have enough people to use directors as monitors.

Thanks in advance for your willingness to fulfill the assigned position and helping us have a smooth, successful audition process.

VERY IMPORTANT!!!! If you are not going to be able to do your assignment, please contact me as soon as possible. Extra judges are going to be hard to find during the holidays!! If we do not have enough help, we will be forced to combine some of the judging assignments which will obviously make the auditions last longer. You are encouraged to bring other adult sponsors with you. PLEASE encourage them to volunteer to monitor the cafeteria, etc. You and your staff’s attendance is required if your student(s) qualify and auditions at Area.


At 8:45 AM, registration will be held in the front hall way of the school. Region Coordinators need to be prepared to either be at the registration table or have someone assigned to this duty. All contestants will need to turn in their area fees at the appropriate registration table area and receive their Area patch at that time.


At 9:15 AM, a meeting for all monitors will be held in the library and at 9:30 AM, a meeting for all directors will be held in the band hall. All participating students will meet at 9:30 AM in the cafeteria for a student meeting. Tryouts will begin at 10:00 AM. For the past few years, this schedule has allowed us to complete the tryouts by mid-afternoon and allowed you to return home at a reasonable hour. Let’s keep up this good tradition this year.


There will be no forms to turn in at registration.

Area Fee

Entry fees are $25 per student and can be paid during student registration. After your students have paid their $25 fee, they will receive their area patch. Please note that Area fees are NOT to be sent to the state office.

Eligibility & Conduct

UIL eligibility requirements are in effect for this competition. All eligibility rules set by the state and local school districts must be observed. If you have a student that becomes ineligible, be sure you notify your region coordinator as soon as possible so that they can contact the next Area alternate with as much time as possible to prepare. Be sure you remind your students about being on their best behavior and being very careful that they do not interfere with the auditions of other contestants. Also remind them that they are guests of Calallen High School and should each be responsible for helping take care of it.


Alternates will be called up if a student becomes ineligible, decides to forfeit their position, or is not going to be at the auditions for any reason, if we receive notice in time to contact the alternate. If you have a certified student that is not coming to the auditions for any reason, please contact your region coordinator as soon as you become aware of the situation, so the alternate can be notified and have time to prepare.

Percussion Tuning & Requirements

Please make sure that you have carefully reviewed the Percussion Audition Guidelines. Timpani tuning, types of rolls, mallet selection, etc. are listed in the PAL and will be used as the guidelines for the Area auditions. Calallen will provide a marimba, and four Timpani if anyone wishes to use instead of bringing their own. They will also place a set of bells in the room if your students want to use these for tuning their timpani. When you arrive, you can take all percussion equipment into the band hall, for this will be the audition area for the percussion. No audible electronic communication devices are allowed in the audition room. No electronic tuners are allowed in any wind or percussion audition room. Inaudible metronomes are allowed to set tempos prior to performing the etude, but must be turned off before starting to play. If a student wishes to warm up, they may play anything they wish so long as it is done in one breath.


Remember, there is no lunch break in the audition process. There will be a concession stand available for your students. So, make appropriate plans for getting your students through the lunch hour whether that is the concession stand, sack lunch, late breakfast, or eat after the tryouts. AGAIN, THERE IS NO LUNCH BREAK IN THE AUDITION PROCESS. Our Band Boosters will have a concession stand in the cafeteria throughout the day, cash only. Please remind your students not to take food out of the cafeteria and into the hallways. No food or drinks will be allowed in the library.

All-State Housing

Directors who have students make All-State (including directors of the 20 All-State Jazz Ensemble students) should go by the table in the directors’ waiting area and take the ATSSB Housing Quick Guide, complete the housing page (trying to put 4 students in a room), making sure they put who the Designated Chaperone for each student is (and putting their name at the bottom for a Chaperone room).

Only one person for each sheet is to go online Monday after Area to complete the reservations (so directors need to make sure they know who is doing that). These sheets must be done by the Chaperone since they will be required to have All-State students in the database for the housing reservations to be completed.

Other directors who wish to reserve a Chaperone room but are not the one entering student rooms can do so as long as they have a student in the All-State database. The Designated Chaperone may be listed multiple times (for multiple students) and will reserve a room at the bottom of the sheet, but only one Chaperone per school represented will be allowed in the All-State Block (in other words, the Head Director and Assistant cannot get two rooms, but they may share the one Chaperone room if they wish).

Designated Chaperones will need to know their TMEA ID number to reserve a Chaperone room. Anyone sharing that room will also need to provide the person making the reservation their TMEA ID number. If by chance a Designated Chaperone is not a member of TMEA (the Head Director is not serving as Designated Chaperone), just list their names without a TMEA ID number.

I hope I have covered everything, but don’t hesitate to contact me if you have a question. Also, please don’t try to contact me at school or send things to my school address, I WILL NOT BE THERE!

Contact Information

Steven Rash
Odem High School
1 Owl Square
Odem, Texas 78370 (Work)

(361) 537-6191, Cell
(361) 368-8121, x105, Work