

Central North South East West

Area West Coordinator is Don Summersgill; Audition site is Levelland HS – 806-789-3551 (cell)

Area West Auditions January 11, 2025

To sign up for the Area West REMIND Notifications:

Enter this number: 81010
Type this message: @atssbw

Auditions will be held at Levelland High School which is located 30 miles west of Lubbock. Parking Map

Letter from Michael Cason, Director of Bands, Levelland High School.

ATSSB Area West Auditions basic information:

Revised Schedule!!

11:15 to 12:00 check in with your Region Coordinator- AREA Fees should be paid to the Region!!

Region Coordinators will write the check to the AREA

PATCHES will be given to and distributed by the Region Coordinators!
12:00 Monitors Meeting
12:00 Judges Meeting (please email any DNA’s to me or your Region Coordinator at this time)
12:15-12:50 Students meet at holding rooms sign in

1:00       Auditions Begin

All directors on staff MUST be available to judge/monitor or have a qualified/approved proxy.

Map of Levelland High School-Classrooms

Please fill out this form for Judging preferences. Submit Judges Information.Closed

Panels for January 11, 2025 Click Here Available Now for 2025! updated 1/10/25

Please bring a device to input Scores!

We will also use a judges form similar to the old method as a paper back up.

Directors of participating schools should be available to judge or monitor even if they are not listed on the panels. If a director listed on the panel is not available please contact me immediately. I have done my best to balance panels between Regions and directors judging their primary instruments from the lists provided by Region Coordinators.


Students may use their own music but the School’s Published Book must be present.

One Breath warm up Clarification

  • A student may take a one breath warm up before the Scales
  • Then an additional One Breath warm up before the slow etude.
  • A One Breath warm up before Etude 2
  • Cell Phones as Metronomes: Inaudible (muted) cell phones may be used as a metronome but they must be “turned off (black-screened) before the student begins.

Wind Audition Instructions Sheet (click here)

Unified Percussion Audition Instruction Sheet (click here)

All percussion equipment should be brought through Exterior Door #2. See Map.This door is on the South side of LHS (opposite the bus parking). There is a lane with ramp access to the sidewalk along the West side of the building. There is a slightly tight corner so larger framed marimbas may need to be prepared for that. Once in the band hall, 4A percussion will remain in the band hall for auditions. 3A percussion will go all the way through the band hall and out through the double door and take a right to take their equipment to the stage which is not far from the band hall. 

Lunch for Students:

Levelland Band Boosters will have a meal deal lunch for your students if you wish to take advantage of it.
It will be 2 slices of pizza, bag of chips, one candy, and a drink for $9. Levelland W9 form

Numbers and choices should be set to: Submit the following FORM. BEFORE JAN. 8 A concession stand will also be available.

Directors should bring a check made out to the Levelland Band Boosters to cover their selected meals.

What do I need to do right now?

Get your check requests into your business offices. $25 per student Area audition fee. You should pay to your respective region before you get here January 11.

Checks should be written to your respective Region.

This avoids having to set up a new vendor. AREA INVOICE


Make hotel reservations if you need them. Levelland HS is an easy and fast commute from just about anywhere in Lubbock. There are a couple of properties in Levelland and several on the west side of Lubbock.

Make sure your entire staff is going to be here.

All directors MUST be available to judge/monitor or have a qualified/approved proxy.

Are there any forms I need to get filled out?

No! All forms(medical, Code of Conduct, housing) will be done AFTER your student qualifies for the All-State Band.

Don Summersgill

*Preferred Email*

Alternate Contact Information

cell: (806)789-3551

If you have a student make the All State Bands:

Fill out the 2025 ATSSB information Form

Once a student makes the band, directors will be sent a link with an individual code for each student that makes the band to access their “All State Record”. There will be a place on their “All State Record” to submit information.


Fill out FORM for judging at the All State Seating auditions. CLICK HERE

Letter of Congratulations and other info CLICK HERE

Media Press Release for ATSSB

Above link contains the following Information: Letter of CongratulationsRehearsal Schedule

CHAIR AUDITION INFO (links to cuts)