The ATSSB Outstanding Performance Series
is a program designed to select annually the most outstanding
Class 1C, 2C/3C, 1A, 2A, 3A, and 4A concert band programs
in the state of Texas each year.
For all correspondence with the OPS State Chair, Collin Anderson,
please use the following email address and phone number:
2024 Outstanding Performance Series Winners
You can find the winners’ recordings by searching for
“Association of Texas Small School Bands – Outstanding Performance Series 2024,”
or you can find them via these links:
Apple Music
Any Class 1C or Class 2C/3C middle school band that feeds a 1A, 2A, 3A or 4A high school band,
and any Class 1A, Class 2A, Class 3A, or Class 4A high school band may enter the Outstanding Performance Series (OPS)
provided the head band director of the ensemble entering is a current member of ATSSB.
Entry selections must have been recorded at a UIL contest or at any other approved contest during the period
from January 1 through the date of the posted deadline of the current school year.
No editing of the audio selections may be made,
outside of assuring there is no introduction with the school name able to be heard
and no applause at the end.
Only UIL-approved concert selections may be entered.
If two concert selections are entered, one selection must be from the pertinent UIL grade level or higher.
If only one concert selected is entered, it must be no lower than one grade level below
the pertinent UIL grade level of the entering school.
Verification of UIL approval to perform any selection not listed in the current UIL Prescribed Music List
must accompany any such entry.
Each selection entered must be uploaded as a separate digital .WAV file to the link below.
The OPS Verification Form and an invoice will automatically be generated upon completing the online entry.
The Verification Form must be signed by the director and the school Principal or Superintendent,
and mailed to Kenneth Griffin.
If one or more of the entries is chosen as an OPS Winner or Runner-up,
the award will presented to the director, not to the school.
Every director whos ensemble is entered in the competition
must be a current member of ATSSB, including non-varsity ensemble directors.
For the 2025 OPS competition:
Entry deadline: MAY 24 (11:59 pm)
for all components of the entry process.
Region adjudication and advancement to Area will be certified by 11:59 pm on Saturday, June 7.
Area adjudication and advancement to State will be certified by 11:59 pm on Saturday, June 21.
State adjudication will be the morning of Thursday, July 24, at the TBA convention in San Antonio.
Continuing in 2025:
The ATSSB Outstanding Performance Series will run two pilot contests,
one for middle school non-varsity bands and the other for high school non-varsity bands.
All 1C-3C NV bands will compete in the MS category and all 1A-4A NV bands will compete in the HS category.
Non-varsity status will be determined according to rules and regulations as set forth
in the UIL Constitution and Contest Rules, whether the school competes in UIL or another entity.
The primary performing ensemble for any school is deemed the varsity band,
and any subsequent groups will be allowed to compete in the NV category,
whether a non-varsity group or a sub-non-varsity group.
If any group has attained the Varsity Waiver according to the UIL Constitution and Contest Rules,
that ensemble may enter the NV category.
If any group’s varsity/non-varsity status is in question,
the OPS State Chair and the Steering Committee will review the issue
and make the final decision regarding placement into the proper competition category.
Any school’s non-varsity ensemble has the right to enter the regular classification category
as in the past and not compete in the NV pilot.
In addition, a school’s non-varsity may enter OPS
even if the same school’s varsity group does not submit recordings.
When entering information in the entry portal and when labeling audio files for OPS,
please use the following delinations:
School type: HS – High School, JH – Junior High, MS – Middle School
Classification: 1C, 2C, 3C, 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A
Non-Varsity Groups: 1CNV, 2CNV, 3CNV, 1ANV, 2ANV, 3ANV, 4ANV
Or use SNV for sub-non-varsity status
AREA: N – North, S – South, E – East, W – West, C – Central
Please read all instructions carefully.
1. Enter your school and WAV file data here:
Copy the FILE NAME generated in the online entry form for each selection entered
and use it to label the corresponding .WAV file you plan to upload.
OR label your .WAV file as follows: Reg#-Area-Class-School-DirectorName.wav
Example: 8-C-3A-1A-GrandGalopMarch-GroesbeckHS-CollinAnderson.wav
Use this LINK to UPLOAD .WAV files (link is now closed)
or use the link in the ONLINE ENTRY portal.
An email confirming your online information submission will automatically be generated and sent to you
as well as the OPS State Chair.
2. Print out the VERIFICATION FORM from the online portal,
sign it and get an administrator’s signature,
then SCAN and UPLOAD the signed Verification Form in .PDF format.
Label the VF as follows: Reg#-Area-Class-School-DirectorName.pdf
Example: 8-C-3A-GroesbeckHS-CollinAnderson.pdf
(It may be necessary to scan the VF, send it to yourself, rename, then upload.)
Use this LINK to UPLOAD VFs (link is now closed)
3. Provide payment.
– Request a school check and mail to
OPS 2023
2117 Morse Street
Houston, TX 77019.
To confirm payment via school check prior to the deadline,
upload a copy of the OFFICIAL School Purchase Order.
Label the PO as follows: Reg#-Area-Class-School-DirectorName.pdf
Example: 8-C-3A-GroesbeckHS-CollinAnderson.pdf
Use this LINK to UPLOAD POs (link is now closed)
– OR PREFFERED Pay online via PAYPAL.
Use this LINK to PAY ONLINE (link is now closed)
Check here after your signed Verification Form has been uploaded and your payment method completed.
Please give up to a week for receiving and processing.
2024 OPS Judging Matrix
OPS Results
Approved Non-UIL Festivals
(a list of non-UIL contests that have already been approved)
Non-UIL Approval Form
(use to request that a festival or contest be approved)
Upload Non-UIL Approval Form HERE
For OPS Adjudication – files and forms needed by Region and Area Coordinators.
OPS Judges Forms
(Forms 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, and 4B used for adjudication)
Reimbursement Request
(for expenses incurred by Designated Region, Area and State Level Adjudications)
Duties of the Designated Region Coordinator
Duties of the Designated Area Coordinator
2024 OPS Handbook (this is a large file)