
Rules & Guidelines

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Rules & Guidelines



1.  All student entry fees are the responsibility of the entered student or his/her school. Fees for ATSSB Region 24 Region auditions will be set at $13.00 per student and $25 for Area Auditions. Fees for ATSSB Region 24 Region Jazz auditions will be set at $15.00 per student and $40 for Area Auditions.

2.  Entries will be completed online at The entry process will be per the entry process directions.

3.  Student eligibility rules will be based on current UIL Rules of Eligibility. Any director entering a student must be a current member of ATSSB and TMEA prior to making entries.

4.  The head junior high/middle school band director must be a paid member of ATSSB. The high school band director’s card cannot be used unless there is no junior high director.

5.  Entry/audition information will be made available to the membership in a timely manner.

6.  Deadline for entries is 14 days prior to the actual audition date or the date posted on the online entry program. No additions to a school’s list of students will be accepted without the Region Coordinator’s approval. Checks may be mailed after the deadline but must arrive before the auditions begin.

7.  Directors and students are responsible for checking the list of audition material and errata.



Auditions will follow the ATSSB audition procedures as listed on the ATSSB website ( and the Region 24 website ( High School audition music will come from the approved ATSSB Prescribed Audition List (PAL). Middle School audition music will come from the list approved by Region 24. The current rotation is as follows:

Middle School                High School

2024-2025 Year X        2024-25 Year D

2025-26 Year Y             2025-26 Year E

2026-27 Year Z             2026-27 Year A

2027-28 Year X            2027-28 Year B



  1. Each student’s director (or qualified proxy) MUST attend and be available to adjudicate the auditions.  Directors who are found to be in violation of judging, student entry, or fee payment requirements will receive one warning from the Region/Area Coordinator.  After this warning, the issue will be escalated resulting in contacting district administration and potential removal/probation of that director’s student entry ability.  (A district appointed administrator other than the director in question will be allowed to enter students and ensure judging requirements are met.)
  2. Five judges will be assigned to each audition panel. As few as three may be assigned to middle school panels if none of the directors are judging their own students OR if it is a divided room between the two prepared etudes and scales.
  3. Cuts for the HS auditions will be determined by the Region Coordinator and the HS Audition Host. Cuts for the MS auditions will be determined by the MS Coordinator and the MS Audition Host. There should be no discussion of cuts in the interim between the decision and the posting of the cuts. Cuts will be posted at least thirty minutes before auditions begin. Audition cuts will be posted in the designated warm-up area.
  4. Scales and etudes may be performed together or separate, determined by the Region Coordinator. Scales should be played exactly as notated (tempo, slurs, rhythm, etc.). Extra credit will not be given for additional octaves, etc. Points will be deducted if students vary tempos and play additional octaves. Students may read scales and etudes from printed music during the audition.
  5. Maximum instrumentation is as specified on the “instrumentation” page of the Region 24 website.
  6. Judges are prohibited from scoring music that is not the official audition music for that contest.
  7. If a MS student forgets to perform a selection from the audition, he/she will be reminded by the chair of the judging panel before he/she leaves the room and may play the missing selection if he/she chooses. HS students will not be reminded is a selection is not performed. A score of 0 will be entered for that portion of the audition.


  1. All students should be checked in with the monitor before the auditions begin.
  2. High School students will audition in order by their Audition ID.
  3. Students auditioning on a wind instrument will be allowed a one-breath warm-up.
  4. Scales should be played exactly as notated (tempo, slurs, rhythm, etc.).
  5. A student may audition on more than one instrument if he/she has paid a fee for each entry.  If a student makes the area band on more than one instrument, the student must choose which instrument on which to advance to area at the conclusion of all the auditions in which the student is a participant. The student must play the instrument in the Region Band that he/she has chosen for Area.
  6. There will be NO separate audition for piccolo. If needed, piccolo players will be chosen from the flute section in each band.
  7. All students auditioning for the all-state process must be in the 9th-12th grades and a participating member of their school band program. (An 8th grade student may audition to participate in the high school all-region band but may NOT advance to area.

Unified Percussion Audition

  1. High school percussionist will perform three different audition etudes: 1 on Snare Drum, 1 on Mallets, and 1 Timpani (timpani tuning is part of the timpani etude score). There are no scales to be performed.
  2. Middle school percussionist will perform three different audition etudes: 1 on Snare Drum, 1 on Mallets, and 1 Timpani. There are no scales to be performed.  The tuning of the timpani will not be scored.

For more information see: The Percussion Audition Guide


  1. Students are responsible for attaining the accurate audition material from the ATSSB and Region 24 ATSSB websites.
  2. Official order and timeline of complaints is as follows: Student notifies monitor; monitor refers to judges; judges refer to Region Coordinator.
  3. Students have the right to an anonymous audition.
  4. Results shall be posted online with the following statement on each page: “Tabulated audition results shall be available for inspection by directors (but not students) for 3 hours following the posting of the last section of the audition. At the end of this period, tabulated results are final. This 3-hour period should serve as a final period for directors to investigate any problems that might arise concerning results.”
  5. There will be two high school bands and two middle school bands.
  6. Audition material will be weighted 33% for etude one, 33% for etude two, and 33% for scales.
  7. If an auditioning student leaves out part of the tryout, the judge panel chairperson will remind the student of the omitted selection as he/she detects it. This is for MS auditions only. HS students will not be reminded.
  8. If a HS student is selected to Area on two instruments, they may pick either instrument. However, this choice must be made when all of their auditions have been tabulated and before the audition results are final. This will also be the instrument that the student will play at the clinic/concert.
  9. All students auditioning for the Region 24 HS Region Band must be in the 9th-12th grades. All students auditioning for the Region 24 MS Region Band must be in the 6th, 7th or 8th grades.  Exception:  An 8th grade student may audition for the high school region band but MAY NOT be certified to area.
  10. ATSSB is not liable or responsible in any way for a student’s equipment not functioning or responding properly.
  11. If a student’s instrument malfunctions during the scale part of the audition, they may ask the monitor to exit the room with them and explain the problem. The student will have until the room is completed to return and complete the rest of the audition. Once a student plays the first note of the first etude, the audition must be completed before the student is allowed to leave the room.
  12. A meal will be provided to the directors at the HS and MS auditions, paid for by the region.
  13. For MS Auditions: Results will be posted online. (Printed results will be available to each director on site.)
  14. All band staff members must be in attendance for any audition in which a student is entered.



  1. The only excused absence from a morning or afternoon session of Friday rehearsal would be a student participating in a school-sponsored event.  THERE WILL BE NO EXCUSED ABSENCES FROM ANY REHEARSAL ON SATURDAY!!
  2. Any HS student not able to attend the clinic for any reason should be reported by the director to the Region Coordinator as soon as possible, so that alternates may be contacted.
  3. All schools represented must have a director and/or a sponsor in attendance on both Friday and Saturday of the clinic and concert. If you must send a sponsor who is not a band director from the region, please notify the Region Coordinator prior to the event.

Code of Conduct

  1. The conduct policy will be consistent with TEA/TMEA/host school district policies.
  2. Hats will not be permitted inside the buildings at any time during any phase of the ATSSB events.
  3. Any student found out of compliance with any ATSSB rules can be removed from the ATSSB audition process or region band.
  4. Food, candy, gum, or drinks will only be allowed in designated areas, and never in rehearsal or performance area.
  5. All participants will display respect and courtesy towards everyone at all times.
  6. Brass players will be responsible for providing their own mutes, oil, etc. Woodwinds will be responsible for supplying their own reeds, etc.
  7. All attire at any phase of the ATSSB process will conform to the student’s local school policy.
  8. Students should perform the region concert in his or her school’s concert band uniform. This uniform should not include blue jeans, athletic shoes, t-shirts, etc. Dress clothes should be worn for this performance, preferably “concert black”. 
  9. Electronic communication or gaming devices are allowed ONLY in designated areas. They should NEVER be used in a rehearsal area during rehearsal, or a performance.

ATSSB Region 24 Region Band Instrumentation

High School (Both bands)

10 Flutes

2 Oboes

2 Bassoons

18 Clarinets

2 Alto clarinets

3 Bass clarinets

1 Contrabass clarinet

4 Alto Saxophones

2 Tenor Saxophones

1 Bari Saxophone

15 Trumpets

6 French Horns

10 Tenor Trombones (No valve trombones)

2 Bass trombones

6 Euphoniums

6 Tubas

1 Double Bass

8 Percussion—————————99 TOTAL

Middle School (both bands)

10 Flutes

2 Oboe

2 Bassoon

15 Clarinets

2 Bass clarinets

5 Alto Saxophones

2 Tenor Saxophones

1 Bari Saxophone

12 Trumpets

6 French Horns

8 Tenor Trombones (No valve trombones)

4 Baritones

6 Tubas

7 Percussion ————————— Total 82

Jazz Band

2 Alto Saxes 

2 Tenor Saxes       

1 Bari Sax                   

5 Trumpets  

3 Tenor Trombones (No valve trombones)   

2 Bass Trombone (No valve trombones)                                                            

1 Guitar                          

1 Piano                             

1 Bass Guitar

2 Drums ————————— Total 20

ATSSB Region 24 Finance Policies

The ATSSB Region 24 checking account and Certificate of Deposit is at Simmons Bank.

HS and MS Concert Band entry fees are $13 per student entry.

Jazz Entry fees are $15 per student entry.

Area concert band fees are $25 per student and will be paid to ATSSB Region 24.  The region coordinator will send one check to the Area Coordinator.

Area jazz band fees are $40 and will be paid to ATSSB Region 24. The region coordinator will send one check to the Area Coordinator.

Clinician’s fees are $650 for each HS and $600 for each MS clinicians.

The host of any ATSSB Region 24 event will receive a $100 Honorarium + any expenses from the event.

Region Band Organizers will receive a $75.00 honorarium for Friday and Saturday night.

Region Band Percussion Organizers will receive a $75 honorarium for Friday and Saturday night.

The percussion instructor at the host site of the clinic/concert will serve as the Event Percussion Coordinator and will receive a $100 Honorarium.

Region Coordinator honorarium is $800.00.

Treasurer Honorarium is $500.00.

Assistant Coordinator / Web Master Honorarium is $425.00

Audition Host and Band Organizer Duties

 Audition Host

  1. Do not put times on an audition roster!!!
  2. Set up judges’ screens for auditions. (The region coordinator keeps a set for all auditions.)
  3. Provide pencils.
  4. Provide two room monitors for each audition room.
  5. Provide judges’ meal, financed by the region.
  6. Provide two computers, a printer, and a copy machine (coordinate this with the region coordinator).
  7. Provide a concession stand for students
  8. Provide a warm-up area for students, a director’s lounge, student waiting area, and audition rooms. (Please make acoustic considerations when choosing rooms. Number of rooms needed will vary depending on whether high school or middle school contest and number of entries.)
  9. Provide internet access for the contest office and Wifi access for all judges for online score input.

Band Organizer Duties

Organizer Responsibilities Prior to the Clinic:

  1. Contact clinician well in advance to introduce yourself and verify contact information.
  2. Complete folders, if you are responsible for this.
  3. Deliver the list of percussion needs to the percussion coordinator.
  4. Communicate with the site host to verify space on the stage, set-up times, equipment needs, etc.

Organizer Responsibilities at the Clinic:

  1. Set up chairs, stands and percussion for your band. Include a large nametag on each stand. The nametag should face the conductor.
  2. Seat your band before the starting time with the official list of names. Do not rely on printed program. Obtain current list from Region Coordinator.
  3. Make sure your kids know basic rules such as no gum, no hats, etc.. Consequences can be – notify your director, sent home, etc.
  4. Communicate with your percussion coordinator to see if he has any questions.
  5. Have pencils and repair tools if needed.
  6. Announce T-shirt and other memorabilia sales
  7. Introduce your clinician to the band.
  8. Make sure your clinician has everything he/she needs–such as a tuner, podium, beverage, etc.
  9. Make sure you or a helper for the clinician are in rehearsals at all times and are ready to handle problems that arise. For example – a folder with a missing part, a student that can’t find his director, etc..
  10. Constantly verify attendance, particularly on Saturday morning, Saturday after lunch, and after breaks.
  11. Announce your band and introduce your clinician at the concert.
  12. Collect the folders and help hand out patches at the concert.
  13. Clear the stage at the end of the concert of chairs and stands and loaned percussion equipment. Make sure you know to which school each piece of equipment goes. It is a good idea to check each piece for identification as it arrives from its owner.
  14. Make sure your clinician has transportation and his/her meals are provided.

Student’s Rights and Responsibilities


  1. Students have the right to refuse to play any part of an audition that is not included in the officially sanctioned ATSSB audition material.
  2. Students have the right to expect the band director to post a copy of the submitted entry form in plain view.
  3. Up to such time that the scales are competed, students have the right to exit the audition room due to mechanical failures with their instrument. If the student leaves the room after the first note of the first etude has been played, the audition will be considered complete.
  4. Students have the right to know the judging assignment of their band director(s). This information will only be available during the evening of the audition.
  5. Students have the right to an anonymous audition.


  1. Students are responsible for attaining the accurate audition material from the website.
  2. Students are responsible for viewing the posted entry form.
  3. Students are responsible for reporting any mechanical problems to the monitor before beginning the etude portion of the audition.
  4. Students are responsible for refraining from entering an audition room unless he is the auditioning student.
  5. Students are responsible to refrain from any activity that would identify themselves or their school during the audition.

Updated 8-16-2024