
Region 3 Rules

Last Update – January 18, 2025

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as voted on by ATSSB Region 3


Entry and Audition Procedures


A. Fees for ATSSB All-Region auditions will be set at $20.00 per student. Fees for ATSSB All-Region jazz auditions will be set at $20.00 per student.

B. Deadline for entry is 14 days prior to the actual audition date.

  1. The Late and Final Online Entry deadline will be seven days prior to the day of audition
  2. Correction to an existing student entry may be made between 13 and seven days prior to the contest without penalty, but a student entry added less than 14 but more than seven days prior to the contest will result in an additional 100% student late fee.
  3. Entries begun less than 14, but more than seven days prior to the contest, will be assessed a 50% additional campus fee charge and 100% student fee charge.
  4. A campus entry created less than fourteen days prior to the contest will be subject to the TMEA Grievance Process
  5. Directors will be allowed to add or change student entries the day of the audition. The 50% additional campus and 100% additional student late fees will be assessed.
  6. All fees must be paid or supported by a school purchase order prior to the start of auditions.

C. Student eligibility rules will be based on current UIL Rules of Eligibility. Any director entering students must be a current
member of ATSSB and TMEA prior to auditions, and at least one director from each school must judge, monitor, and or serve in whatever capacity the audition chairperson requests on the day of auditions. Failure to do so will disqualify that school’s students from the audition process.

D. Audition information will be posted online by June 1st each year.

E. Entry process will be as per the entry process directions that will accompany the online registration.

F. Directors must also include a photocopy of their TMEA AND ATSSB membership cards.

G. Entries will be completed online at All entries must be completed by the deadline or will fall under the policy stated in Letter B.

H. Judge Replacement Procedures for Region Auditions

Every director from each school district entered must be available to judge, monitor, and or serve in whatever capacity the Region Coordinator requests on the day of auditions. Failure to do so could disqualify that school’s students from the audition process.
EXCEPTION: A director may find a proxy to judge for them if they are unable to attend either Jazz, HS or MS auditions. The director or school is responsible for paying the proxy. Suggested $50.00 fee.
EXCEPTION: Those Directors doubling as Elementary Music Teachers that cannot attend the auditions during school hours shall notify the Region Coordinator no later than two weeks prior to the audition date.



A. Five judges will be assigned to each audition panel. As few as three may be assigned to middle school panels none of the directors are judging their own students OR if it is a divided room between prepared etudes and scales.

B. Cuts are to be determined by a panel appointed by the audition chair. There should be no discussion of cuts in the interim between the panel’s decision and the posting of the cuts. Cuts should be posted at least thirty minutes before auditions begin. Two weeks prior to region auditions, the region coordinator will assign and notify all panel chairs for the auditions process for both high school and middle school. At this time, the panel chairs will work on selecting cuts, music and scales, for all instruments in the room they are panel chair for. The panel chair shall choose two major scales and the chromatic scale, in addition, at least 25% of both the slow and fast etude must be selected for the audition cut. At least 48 hours prior to the contest date, the panel chair must send the selected cuts to the audition host and region coordinator.

C. Scales and etudes may be performed together or separate, determined by audition chairperson – “BUT THERE WILL BE NO ELIMINATION IF SCALES ARE INADEQUATELY PERFORMED.” Scales should be played exactly as notated. (tempo, slurs, rhythm, etc.) Extra credit will not be given for additional octaves, faster tempos, etc. Points will be deducted if students vary tempos and octaves. Students may read scales from a scale sheet during the audition.

D. Maximum instrumentation is as specified on the “instrumentation” page. Choosing less than the number is at the discretion of the judging panel.

E. Judges are prohibited from scoring music that is not the official audition music.

F. At least 25% of the Audition Etudes must be played during the Region level audition


A. All students should be checked in with monitor before the auditions begin. Exceptions will be determined by the audition chairperson.

B. Students will be allowed a one breath warm-up.

C. Scales should be played exactly as notated. (tempo, slurs, rhythm, etc.)

D. The student, in consultation with their director, may audition on more than one instrument if all entry fees have been paid for each entry. If the student makes the region band or is certified for area on multiple instruments, they may choose which instrument to take to region and area no matter the chair placement and the instruments may be different. EXAMPLE – The student can choose to be in the region band on Alto Sax, but choose to advance to area on Baritone Sax.

E. There will be NO separate audition for piccolo, but rather picked as needed from the flute section.

F. All students auditioning for the region 3 high school region band must be in the 9th-12th grades.

G. Any student who advances to area is guaranteed a seat in the region band.


All percussion equipment to be used must be in the audition and holding area before auditions begin. Students may take their sticks and mallets with them to the holding area but must leave equipment in the audition area.
All three parts of the Unified Percussion Audition must be performed when the student enters the warm-up room.
Students will audition in order according to their audition ID that is randomly selected by the computer.
Students will be called in groups to go through the Audition Process (Pay attention to announcements in the gathering areas)

Percussion Holding Room

3 Students in Holding Room – 1 Minute Timed Warm-Up on each instrument

2 Students on Deck

1 Student in Audition Room

A Director is to monitor the Monitor Warm-Up/Students on Deck

Percussion Audition Room

Students will perform instruments in this order – Snare, Mallet, Timpani
15 second warm-up is allowed if needed on Snare and Mallets
The Monitor must lower the pedals of the Timpani between every audition.
Timpani Tuning – There will not be tuning at the MS Auditions & 30 Seconds for HS
Scoring will be 1/3 Snare, 1/3 Mallet, 1/3 Timpani (30 Points will be for Timpani Tuning and 70 Points will be for playing the Timpani etude)
Mallet recommendations are as follows (this should be used as a reference for th etype of mallet that should be used for the student’s performance):
bells – hard rubber mallets such as 06 Mike Balter, gray, or medium plastic mallets.
marimba – any medium firm yarn wrapped marimba mallet such as Encore 32AY, Innovative 603H or Balter 222.
xylophone – medium hard rubber mallets such as Encore 1038, Innovative ENS360, or Balter 5.
Students should refrain from using any plastic mallets, brass mallets, or acrylic mallets.
State level chair audition may be held on a portion of the Area audition music and selections from the concert music to be performed in the All-State Band.


A. Official order and time line of complaints is: Student notifies monitor; monitor refers to judges; judges refer to office.

B. All H.S. results will not be considered official until thirty minutes after ALL auditions and tabulations have been completed.

C. There will be two high school bands and two middle school bands.

D. Audition material will be weighted 33% for etude one, 33% for etude two, and 33% for scales.

E. If a student makes Area on two instruments you may pick either but must declare before the audition results are confirmed.

F. All students auditioning for the region 3 high school region band must be in the 9th-12th grades.
All students auditioning for the region 3 middle school region band must be in the 7th-8th grades.

G. ATSSB is not liable or responsible in anyway for a student’s equipment not functioning or responding properly.

H. If an auditionee’s instrument malfunctions during the scale part of the audition, they may ask the monitor to exit the room with them and explain the problem. The student will have until the room is completed to return and complete the rest of the audition. If a student begins the first etude, the audition must be completed before the student leaves the room.



A. DNAs – Any student not able to attend the clinic for any reason should be reported to the region coordinator by their director no later than 6:00pm the night before the clinic begins. This will allow the region coordinator ample time to call up alternates and for schools to make appropriate travel arrangements.

B. All schools represented must have a director and/or a sponsor in attendance during both Friday and Saturday clinic and concert.

C. Students may be released early from rehearsal on Friday, only for approved school events such as Basketball Games, etc. These absences must be approved by the Region Coordinator.

D. Students may not miss any part of the rehearsals or concert on Saturday.


A. The conduct policy will be consistent with TEA/TMEA/host school district policies.
B. Hats will not be permitted inside the buildings at any time during any phase of the ATSSB events.
C. Any student found out of compliance with any ATSSB rules can be discluded from the ATSSB Honor Band process.
D. Food, candy, gum, or drink are allowed only in designated areas, and never in rehearsal area, during rehearsal or performance.
E. All participants will display respect and courtesy towards everyone at all times.
F. Participants should be ready for auditions, clinics, and warm up before concerts at least five minutes before the start of each. Brass players will be responsible for providing mutes, oil, etc.
G. All attire at any phase of the ATSSB process will conform to the student’s local school policy.
H. Students should perform in concert in his or her school concert band uniform.
I. Electronic Communication or Gaming Devices are allowed ONLY in designated areas. They should NEVER be used in a rehearsal area, during rehearsal, or a performance.


Clinicians fees are $750 for each HS and $750 for each MS clinician. Jazz honorarium is $750.00.

Jazz Festival Judge – $500.00 Honorarium

$100 Honorarium to audition host + expenses
$50.00 per person (two person max) for computer entry.
$150 building usage fee paid for any official ATSSB event.

Checking account is at Citizen’s National Bank in Grand Saline, Texas.

Clinic hosts will receive $50.00 honorarium.

Region Coordinator honorarium is $500.00.

Middle School Coordinator honorarium is $200.00

Web Master Honorarium is $300.00

All area fees are paid by the region.


Committee Responsibilities

  1. Region Coordinator will ensure that the instrumental committees meet yearly on the Friday of the clinic to discuss suggestions emailed to the Region Coordinator or the committee chairperson by Thursday before the clinic at 4:00 pm.
  2. Region 3/20 Standing Committees

Audition Host Duties

  1. Do not put times on an audition roster!!!!
  2. Provide judges’ screens for auditions.
  3. Create and provide judges’ packets containing:
    1. forms provided by the region webmaster.
    2. Pencils
  4. Provide judges’ meal, financed by the region.
  5. A copy machine that is accesible.
  6. Provide a concession stand for students
  7. Provide a warm-up area for auditionees, a director’s lounge, student waiting area, and audition rooms. (Please make acoustic considerations when choosing rooms.)
  8. Provide internet access for the contest office.
  9. Provide and train two room monitors for each audition room.

Clinic Host Duties


  1. Contact clinician well in advance to introduce yourself and verify contact information.
  2. Send the clinician information form to the clinician shortly after the first contact. Clickhere for clinician information form
  3. Complete folders, if needed.
  4. Deliver the list of percussion needs to the percussion coordinator.
  5. Communicate with the site host to verify space on the stage, set-up times, etc.


  1. Set up chairs, stands and percussion for your band. Include a large name tag on each stand. The name tag should face the conductor
  2. Seat your band before the starting time with the official list of names. Do not rely on printed program. Obtain current list from Region Coordinator.
  3. Make sure your kids know basic rules such as no gum, no hats. Consequences can be – notify your director, no patch, or sent home.
  4. Communicate with your percussion coordinator to see if he has any questions. WHERE AND WHO; PARTS AND EQUIPMENT.
  5. Have pencils and mutes if needed.
  6. Announce T-shirt and recording sales, and that lunch on Sat is provided -FREE-in the cafeteria of your building.
  7. Introduce your clinician to the band.
  8. Make sure your clinician has every thing he/she needs–such as a tuner, podium, beverage, etc.
  9. Make sure you or a helper for the clinician are in his room at all times, and are ready to handle problems that arise. For example – a folder with a missing part, a student that can’t find his director.
  10. Constantly verify attendance, particularly on Saturday morning, Saturday lunch, and after breaks.
  11. Announce your band and introduce your clinician at the concert.
  12. Collect the folders and hand out patches at the concert.
  13. Clear the stage at the end of the concert of chairs and stands and loaned percussion equipment. Make sure you know to which school each piece of equipment goes. It is a good idea to check each piece for identification as it arrives from its owner.
  14. Get the expense voucher from the clinician and then give him the check at the end of the program.
  15. Make sure you clinician has transportation to his hotel for Friday night.


A. The code of conduct shall be governed by the recommended TEA/TMEA/School guidelines.
B. Hats will not be permitted inside the buildings at any time during any phase of the ATSSB events.
C. Food, candy, gum, or drink are allowed only in designated areas, and never in rehearsal area, during rehearsal or performance.
D. All participants will show respect and courtesy towards everyone at all times.
E. Participants should be ready for auditions, rehearsals, clinics, and concerts at least five minutes prior to the start of each
F. All participants will display respect and courtesy towards everyone at all times.
G. Electronic Communication or Gaming Devices are allowed ONLY in designated areas. They should NEVER be used in a rehearsal area, during rehearsal, or a performance.
H. Students should perform in concert in his or her school concert band uniform.
I. All attire will conform to the student’s school policy.
J. Any student breaking any rules governed by the code of conduct is subject to dismissal from the Honor Band.


To become a member of ATSSB, contact Mike Bartley , at Canton HS, Canton, TX ; or Executive Secretary Kenneth L. Griffin.
You must be a member of ATSSB and TMEA to enter students in the ATSSB audition process!

Dues double after October 1st. Those that don’t meet the Oct 1st deadline MAY encounter problems with others that will be using the master list.

Executive Secretary Kenneth L. Griffin compiles this list shortly after the deadline.


Instrument High School Symphonic Band High School Concert Band Middle School Symphonic Band Middle School Concert Band
Bb Clarinet12151215
Alto Clarinet2100
Bass Clarinet3322
Contra Clarinet2100
Alto Sax4455
Tenor Sax2222
Bari Sax2111
Trumpet 8131013
French Horn5866
Tenor Trombone6877
Bass Trombone2100
String Bass1100



  1. Students have the right to refuse to play any part of an audition that is not included in the officially sanctioned ATSSB audition material.
  2. Students have the right to expect the band director to post a copy of the submitted entry form in plain view.
  3. Up to such time that the scales are competed, students have the right to exit the audition room due to mechanical failures with their instrument. If the student leaves the room after the first note of the first etude has been played, the audition will be considered complete.
  4. Students have the right to know the judging assignment of their band director(s). This information will only be available during the evening of the audition.
  5. Students have the right to an anonymous audition.


  1. Students are responsible for attaining the accurate audition material from the website.
  2. Students are responsible for viewing the posted entry form.
  3. Students are responsible for reporting any mechanical problems to the monitor before beginning the etude portion of the audition.
  4. Students are responsible for refraining from entering an audition room unless he is the auditionee.
  5. Students are responsible to refrain from any activity that would identify themselves or their school during the audition.



Region Agendas

Region Minutes

Region Standing Committees