
Region 18

Region 18/26

Calendar    Region Music and Past Programs   Rules & Guidelines

Region 18/26

News & Reminders-Page last updated 2-18-25
The Spring Region Meeting will be on April 22 at 5:30 p.m.  The meeting will be in the Smithville High School Band Hall.  Please follow the calendar link for updated 24-25 calendar information.  This is a combined Region for both ATSSB and UIL.   ATSSB-Contact Ann Lowes Mueller  UIL Marching, Twirling, and Solo and Ensemble-Contact Jim Van Zandt, UIL Executive Secretary Region 26   UIL Concert and Sightreading-Contact Gerald and Cheryl Babbitt, UIL Executive Secretaries Region 18Contact InfoRegion Coordiantor:  Ann Lowes MuellerE-Mail: alowesmueller@atssb.orgRegion  Mailing Address:725 S. FranklinLa Grange, TX  78945ATSSB Region Secretary-Zach

Region Band Instrumentation

This is a link to the instrumentation for the region bands.  It was last revised on 4/23/24.

Region Band Instrumentation

Region Handbook and Region Minutes

This is a link to the region minutes and the region handbook.

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Clinicians/Organizers/Clinic Schedules

This is a link to a list of the clinicians and the clinic schedules.

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